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Showing posts from January, 2020
The rise of netflix - cultural superpower of the world - VHS's used to be rented - DVD, new technology used to be mailed and sent back instead of rented - blockbuster had money put into it by netflix, but got rejected. - Netflix decided to make its own content. e.g house of cards remake was asociated with Netflix as a brand and gained a cult following. - With subscribers Netflix could collect data on what people liked . - Netflix were able to offer high budget creative freedom and gave control back to the viewer rather than the company e.g. BBC (public service broadcaster). - spend all money on content - too many subscribers and new content, on the rise. - revolutuionised the way content is watched
The big issue research - What is the big issue?       A street newspaper. Who set it up?           Founded by John Bird and Gordon Roddick whos aim was to dismantle poverty by creating opportunity, through self-help, social trading and business solutions. When and who was it first published by?        September 1991, Dennis publishing What is it's circulation?        83,073 (UK) How is it financed?       social enterprise, funding comes directly from vendor sales. This pays for the magazine to be produced and distributed across the UK so it is available for vendors wherever they need it. (purchase for £1.25 and sell it for £2.50 How is it different to other newspapers/magazines?       Not for profit (social buisiness) What is the contents of the big issue?        political journalism, entertainment and sport. How can you buy it?...