1- The big issue doesnt follow a particular house style, yet typically uses bright colours to create a captivating cover to appeal to it's demographic. therefore the pink and yellow colours are typical of the big issue.
2 and 3- The central image is big ben which is a symbol of London, a well known landmark, and is a sterotypical representation of England. Big ben is being broken by the typography reading "rebuild democracy" which could suggest England as a whole needs to rebuild democracy with Big ben used as a microcosm for Englands politics and society. It could also suggest London is not politically stable and there are issues within the government (this is typical to the content of the big issue as they are critical of the government). "Rebuild democracy!" could further support this as the language used presents the big issues values of holding big business and the government to account.
4- Politics has been made a big issue as it's a part of the brands identity to criticise politics that dont fit socialist values.
5- - Future Generations Bill "We're Working Today For Tomorrow!" This coverline is expected by the big issue, as their content is based on governemnt critism and goals for dismantling homelessness and stive for a socialist society.
6- Director Ken loach could be featured on the cover as his film could appeal to the big issues socially and culturally aware, educated audience or support the BI's ethos.
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